Policy-makers and practitioners around the world today readily recognise the integral role of education and gender equality in fostering human and economic development in a society. But facets of these two dimensions of development remain under-researched, with questions that can help design better policy still unanswered: How does improved access to education impact upon gender roles within a traditional society? Does education affect attitudes and beliefs regarding traditional gender roles and subsequent life choices of those exposed to education? Are there investments complementary to schooling that can accelerate social transformation, particularly greater economic participation by women and investment in the health and education of the next generation?
IntEGGrA is a collaborative research initiative among researchers at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom and Malaya University in Malaysia to investigate these questions with a focus on countries in South and Southeast Asia. The initiative is supported by an international partnership between the University of Kent and Malaya University, based on a Memorandum of Understanding that facilitates academic visits by Integgra researchers, participation in Integgra research by students at both institutions, and collaboration on externally funded research projects. This website has been developed as a outlet for disseminating the research findings and related articles produced by the Integgra research team.